There’s no denying that every single movie deserves credit for the work put in by each and every crew member, regardless of how it is received. Some go on to the big leagues and compete for academy awards. As soon as the nominations list for 2018 came out, there has been an outrage over the internet, calling the academy out for bias and unfair nominations.
Here’s a list of a few of those and my take on it
1) Adam McKay
Nomination – Best Director

As the reviews established, Vice is a polarising movie. However, it is argued that McKay’s style does not prove his effectiveness as a director. Audiences are still confused about whether he was trying to critique Dick Cheney or simply glorify him. Critics have called it out for historical inaccuracy as well.
Paul Schrader (First Reformed), Bradley Cooper (A Star is born) or perhaps Barry Jenkins (If Beale Street Could Talk) would’ve probably been better choices for this category.
2) Mary Poppins Returns
Nomination – Best Soundtrack

I really liked the remake of this classic. Emily Blunt is a great Mary Poppins and the movie did not disappoint despite the skepticism. The songs in the movie, however, weren’t Oscar-worthy. The movie simply tries to rip off the original and make its own version of it. The result didn’t turn out to be great amongst fans, though it could win an Oscar.
The orchestral score in “First Man” (by Justin Hurwitz) is incredible and should’ve been a competitor for Best Soundtrack.
3) Christopher Robin and Solo
Nomination – Best Visual Effects

The best-visual effects category is probably one of the most disappointing ones. Christopher Robin wasn’t as impressive as Paddington 2, which still has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It features a lot if visually inventive and appealing sequences which are unparalleled when compared to most of the movies nominated.

Solo had the least interesting visuals for a movie in the Star Wars franchise. It is the worst-reviewed film since Attack of the Clones. There is a lot more that could’ve been done with the Disney money. Avenger’s Infinity War is competing in this category as well, which blew us away with its stunning visuals and CGI (and is probably the clear winner)
4) Roma
Nomination – Best foreign language film

The “best foreign language film” category is a place where films from over the world are relegated. They rarely get any recognition in other categories. Roma was an impressive film indeed. Yet it’s nominated in for 11 different categories! The makes the other foreign language films feel like an afterthought since only Roma is being pushed and is probably winning. It’s definitely not undeserving, the only problem is that it’s included in such a niche category and it overshadows other brilliant films. This is no one’s fault as such and we hope to see films of this caliber win more and more awards.
5) Black Panther
Nomination – Best Picture

This nomination is one of the most controversial ones out there. Black Panther is a great movie and probably one of the best, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Director Ryan Coogler brought Wakanda to life in the most impressive way possible, along with a well-developed villain and story fans had been waiting for. Despite all this, it doesn’t seem to qualify as ‘Best Picture’
It just seems to be a medium to include and promote diversity during the ceremony. We all can agree that there are better ways to do so.
There’s no female-director in the Best Director Category. I honestly believe that the work of the person should be valued, over their gender. There are many female directors this year, however, who deserve the recognition and nominations. There’s Chloe Zao (The Rider) and Tamara Jenkins (Private Life) who could’ve made it.
On a brighter note, there are a number of films we all are rooting for and happy about. Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse is probably one of the best superhero films ever made despite being animated. The entire community is campaigning it for it to win the best-animated feature! Bradley Cooper gave his all in A Star is Born. He produced it, directed it, starred in it and sang in it as well. All its nominations are well deserved and we’re excited to see the accolades it receives at the Oscars. The best actor class is very competitive this year as everyone nominated (Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, Viggo Mortensten, William Dafoe and Rami Malek) is equally deserving and capable of winning.

Every year there is an outrage over the academy since a film is an opinion based art form which can divide critics, fans and communities over the globe. In the end, all of us will be watching the ceremony simultaneously and appreciate cinema as a whole.

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